

  • Internationally recognized certification respected across industries Voucher to pass the exam
  • 55 PMI®-PDUs Awarded
  • Access to comprehensive online course

Why to invest?

  • Learn a standardized approach to problem solving for the purpose of continuous improvement in Quality Management.
  • Certified project managers earn more
  • Prospective employers seek certified professionals
  • Economical pricing


LEAN 6 Sigma Black Belt CERTIFIED (LSSBB™)

Are you looking forward to learn the LEAN methodology pragmatically  and gain a recognition of expertise in the application of it?


Lean Six Sigma Black Belt (LSSBB) certification focuses on testing students on their comprehensive understanding of the various Six Sigma tools and techniques in conjunction with Lean. The objective of the online value added course (complementary with certification exam) is to develop a comprehensive knowledge base that helps students to function effectively as a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt in various projects. The tools and techniques cover both quantitative and non-quantitative analysis along with other necessary knowledge to improve the production process, minimize inefficiencies and increase with a greater focus on the practical implementation of these tool and techniques in the organization.

Certification Exam Format

  • Multiple Choice
  • 125 questions per exam
  • One mark awarded for every right answer
  • No negative marks for wrong answers
  • 180 minutes duration
  • Proctored online exam

Audience Profile

This certification is highly recommended for employees, professionals who require developing comprehensive understanding of practical implementation of Lean Six Sigma with the help of various tools and techniques for the purpose of continuous improvement in processes and products.


Six Sigma Green Belt Certification


  • When you apply for the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification, you get access to a free online course
  • If you are looking for classroom training before certification, please Contact Us.


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  • Internationally recognized certification respected across industries Voucher to pass the exam
  • 55 PMI®-PDUs Awarded
  • Access to comprehensive online course

Why to invest?

  • Learn a standardized approach to problem solving for the purpose of continuous improvement in Quality Management.
  • Certified project managers earn more
  • Prospective employers seek certified professionals
  • Economical pricing


LEAN 6 Sigma Black Belt CERTIFIED (LSSBB™)

Are you looking forward to learn the LEAN methodology pragmatically  and gain a recognition of expertise in the application of it?


Lean Six Sigma Black Belt (LSSBB) certification focuses on testing students on their comprehensive understanding of the various Six Sigma tools and techniques in conjunction with Lean. The objective of the online value added course (complementary with certification exam) is to develop a comprehensive knowledge base that helps students to function effectively as a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt in various projects. The tools and techniques cover both quantitative and non-quantitative analysis along with other necessary knowledge to improve the production process, minimize inefficiencies and increase with a greater focus on the practical implementation of these tool and techniques in the organization.

Certification Exam Format

  • Multiple Choice
  • 125 questions per exam
  • One mark awarded for every right answer
  • No negative marks for wrong answers
  • 180 minutes duration
  • Proctored online exam

Audience Profile

This certification is highly recommended for employees, professionals who require developing comprehensive understanding of practical implementation of Lean Six Sigma with the help of various tools and techniques for the purpose of continuous improvement in processes and products.


Six Sigma Green Belt Certification


  • When you apply for the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification, you get access to a free online course
  • If you are looking for classroom training before certification, please Contact Us.


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  • Internationally recognized certification respected across industries Voucher to pass the exam
  • 55 PMI®-PDUs Awarded
  • Access to comprehensive online course

Why to invest?

  • Learn a standardized approach to problem solving for the purpose of continuous improvement in Quality Management.
  • Certified project managers earn more
  • Prospective employers seek certified professionals
  • Economical pricing


LEAN 6 Sigma Black Belt CERTIFIED (LSSBB™)

Are you looking forward to learn the LEAN methodology pragmatically  and gain a recognition of expertise in the application of it?


Lean Six Sigma Black Belt (LSSBB) certification focuses on testing students on their comprehensive understanding of the various Six Sigma tools and techniques in conjunction with Lean. The objective of the online value added course (complementary with certification exam) is to develop a comprehensive knowledge base that helps students to function effectively as a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt in various projects. The tools and techniques cover both quantitative and non-quantitative analysis along with other necessary knowledge to improve the production process, minimize inefficiencies and increase with a greater focus on the practical implementation of these tool and techniques in the organization.

Certification Exam Format

  • Multiple Choice
  • 125 questions per exam
  • One mark awarded for every right answer
  • No negative marks for wrong answers
  • 180 minutes duration
  • Proctored online exam

Audience Profile

This certification is highly recommended for employees, professionals who require developing comprehensive understanding of practical implementation of Lean Six Sigma with the help of various tools and techniques for the purpose of continuous improvement in processes and products.


Six Sigma Green Belt Certification


  • When you apply for the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification, you get access to a free online course
  • If you are looking for classroom training before certification, please Contact Us.


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